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Alkuajatus - The Original Thought - The Little Manual of Life

Alkuajatus is the tool for finding your own answers. Alkuajatus helps you to understand the inner world in a way that clarifies the own inner condition and the own genuine will.

Paperback, 15,5 x 22 cm, 280 pages
ISBN 9789522865304



WARNING: This book can change your life permanently.

NOTICE: The responsibility for the reading and the understanding of the read is at the reader.

This book in Finnish - Tämä kirja suomeksi
This book in Swedish - Denna bok på svenska

See table of contents.

Reader responses:

Jussi , Finland

"Alkuajatus has an exhaustive message that goes to the core of matters, and that well reaches the subconsciousness and exceeds it."

"I have partly familiarized myself with Alkuajatus, and I have to say that Alkuajatus has an exhaustive message that goes to the core of matters and that well reaches the subconsciousness and exceeds it. It has the for a master-education typical freshness, pureness, straightness and straightforwardness that gives just the effect it describes. It doesn't "zig-zag" around to please the readers (nor the authors) curiosity, interest etc. and it doesn't stop to jaw about the persona or the level of irrelevancies. Based on this I understand Alkuajatus as an exceptionally noteworthy book.

The paths are many, but there is so to say only one way, and the meter of the guidepost/teaching/teacher is how purely and uncompromising it in its life and its teaching represents and shows "the way" that "is", and therefore to which no desire, liking or opinion as such leads to."

Mathi Paramanathan , M.S in Civil Engineering, Sweden

"Now I feel inner freedom as I have never felt before."

"Ever since I reached adulthood I have felt a big emptiness inside me. I have tried to fill that emptiness by doing a lot of different things, but the more I built a nice facade outwards, the more emptiness I felt.

When I read the book Alkuajatus - The Original Thought - The Little Manual of Life, I realized what caused that emptiness and that I am myself responsible for my problems. At the same time I realized that I am the one who can solve those problems.

With the help of this book I have been able to go into and understand my inner reality, and slowly but steadily I have gained clarity in my mind. Now I feel inner freedom as I have never felt before."

Janne Saaristo , Fireman, Stockholm

"I think everyone should read this book!"

"I came to a crossroad in my life and I didn't know in which direction I should continue the journey. I even remember saying to a friend that if I don't soon find a solution to my life, it's not worth living. I had tried to find peace and harmony with different things, but without any success.

My childhood was full of worries, I grew up in a family with alcohol problems, and the pain and difficulties it caused. Because of that I felt like that the worries and problems are some how built-in traits inside me, and that I would never feel good.

I have for many years looked for answers by reading different works about the purpose of life and philosophy, by pondering and discussing, and it has to some extent helped me in the right direction, until I through a friend came across the book Alkuajatus - The Original Thought - The Little Manual of Life.

The book is straight text and doesn't leave unnecessary space fo misunderstanding. From it, I have received direct advice and tools to correct myself.

I'm reading the book for the second time, and my understanding of all that is and myself improve every day. It hasn't given me ready answer, but instead it has helped me to find the answers inside me and to be honest to myself, which has been the key factor for me.

Regardless of what situtation life is in or how the relation to the own self is, I think everyone should read this book!"

Markus , Construction worker, Stockholm

"...like knowledge of knowledge that goes straight to the consciousness"

"A friend of mine once spoke of something called the truth of life, but I didn't fully understand him. Still the thought fascinated me a lot. Somewhere inside me I knew that there was something to it.

I recently got the book "Alkuajatus - The Original Thought - The Little Manual of Life" and with its help the matters considering my life really started to clear up. It has in a short while done miracles with me. It's like I found my way out of a fog that surrounded my life and the progress of my life. The text in the book is like knowledge of knowledge that goes straight into the consciousness. For me this book really enlightened things."